Sugar, the New Villain

formulatehealth, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons


I have a problem with sugar, and I know it.  For me, chocolate seems to be the irresistible lure.  If I see anything with chocolate in it, be it chocolate chip cookies, chocolate cake, or a big hunk of the good stuff itself, my willpower dissolves within seconds, and before you can say the word “chocoholic”, it’s found its way into my mouth.

For others, it’s the sugary drinks that get them.  Soft drink manufacturers have made a killing over the last several decades by offering us the ultimate vehicle for sugar injection.  The sugars found in soft drinks and other mass market juices are so easily absorbed that our blood sugar peaks within minutes, giving us a satisfying rush that is often likened to an addictive drug.

This collective love of sweetness has caused sugar consumption to increase from an average of 4 pounds per annum in the year 1700, to 100 pounds per annum today, and now accounts for a fifth of all calories consumed.   It’s likely because of the quick energy sugar provides that we crave it so much. The trouble is, once our tastebuds have been stimulated by the stuff, we can’t seem to stop.  According to a New York Times article on sugar written in 1977, “if saccharin is injected into the womb, the fetus will increase its swallowing of the sweetened amniotic fluid. Newborn rats will consume sugar water in preference to a nutritious diet, even to the point of malnutrition and death”.

While many doctors and researchers have warned of the negative effects of sugar for decades, it’s only recently that a loud consensus has been reached.  This is due to two recent revelations:  the first being the discovery of a number of 1967 memos proving that Harvard researchers were handsomely paid to downplay links between sugar consumption and heart disease in the past.  The second being the consequent promotion of a low fat diet by most public health bodies, which inadvertently caused carbohydrate consumption to spike, and resulted in alarmingly high rates of diabetes and obesity, while failing to provide the hoped-for reduction in heart disease.

Clearly, we should all be avoiding sugar as much as possible if we want to maintain our good health.  But how do we go about doing that?    Well, the old advice is still good advice.  As much as possible, eat real food, not snack bars, dessert-like breakfast products, or pre-made smoothies.   All of these foods have alarmingly high amounts of sugar added.  If you like to drink smoothies, make your own.  It’ll contain healthier ingredients and fewer calories.

Another good rule that’s tried and true:  never shop for groceries when you’re hungry.  You’ll always make poor food choices.  Finally, choose foods with plenty of colour, and by that I don’t mean coloured candy.   Fresh fruits and vegetables come in plentiful shades of green, red, orange, and yellow, all indicating a high nutrient content.  Try to bring a rainbow of colour to all your meals, by eating a wide variety of steamed or stir-fried vegetables, mixed with whole grains and small amounts of protein.  Ideally, your vegetable portion will make up at least half your plate.   Essentially, eat more like the Asians do, and you can’t go too far wrong.

As for other chocoholics like me, consider indulging in a single square of dark chocolate once in awhile.  Dark chocolate contains high amounts of flavenoids, which have antioxidant activity.  If you do it with a friend, you’ll stay honest and be prevented from finishing off the entire bar in one sitting.  My husband and I buy a dark chocolate bar every so often, and then we each eat one square a day until it’s gone.  Because I know he’s watching, I never eat more than one square at a time, and that small taste of chocolate each day is enough to satisfy me.

For women who chronically crave chocolate or other sugary treats, it can be a sign of “blood deficiency” in Chinese medicine.  Menstruating women can become blood deficient easily because of our monthly release.  I usually find that when my sugar cravings get out of control, it’s because I haven’t taken a blood tonic in awhile.  Consider trying our Shou Wu Plus tincture, which contains several Chinese tonic herbs known to nourish your liver, kidneys and blood.  I find that as long as my blood is well nourished with such longevity herbs, sugar holds a much weaker appeal for me, and I have less difficulty avoiding it, even when I’m hungry.

Healthy Gut, Healthy Life

ID 4653867, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons


I learned about the power of intestinal bacteria about five years ago.  My cousin was struggling with an intestinal infection that just wouldn’t go away.  She’d been treated with successive rounds of antibiotics, but it had only made the problem worse, not better.  No longer able to work, she was taking probiotics and eating fermented foods in the hope of recovering her intestinal balance, but none of it was working.

Finally, she and her doctors decided to try a fecal transplant.  It was a very new treatment at the time, and sounded very strange, but the results were nothing short of amazing.  Within a few days of receiving the transplanted micro-organisms, she was finally back on her feet and re-entering life.  Ever since then, stories about the importance of a healthy microbial balance always catch my attention.

In the last few years, a mounting pile of research has demonstrated the importance of a healthy diversity of bacteria for overall good health.  Links have been found between our gut microbiome and conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, mood disorders, Parkinson’s disease and even cancer, and has led some researchers to suggest that a potential cure may be found in fecal transplants, such as my cousin had, or perhaps through dietary changes that alter the balance of intestinal bacteria so these conditions can be prevented.

A new study from the University of Western Ontario and Tianyi Health Science Institute in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China suggests that a healthy microbiome may also be linked to a long and healthy life.  For this study, a team of researchers analyzed the gut bacteria of 1,000 people between the ages of 30 and 100.  They then asked the older participants about their health status. 

Those older people who described themselves as being “extremely healthy” were found to have very diverse microbiomes, very similar to people decades younger than themselves.  In fact, these older participants had a gut microbiome resembling people in their thirties, leading the researchers to suggest that microbial diversity might be a strong factor in predicting a long and healthy life.

It’s important to note that this study is the first of its kind, and merely establishes baseline evidence for the importance of healthy gut bacteria.  Further studies will be needed to corroborate these findings.  For now, it’s hard to tell if healthy people naturally have a diverse gut microbiome, or if it’s the diverse microbiome that keeps you healthy.

Still, the results are very intriguing.  As Greg Gloor, the principal investigator of the study, comments, “Maintaining the diversity of your gut as you age [could become] a biomarker of healthy aging,  just as a low cholesterol level is a biomarker for a healthy circulatory system”.    If that happens, probiotic supplements will become even more popular than they already are.

The Dangers of Over-Work

CIPHR Connect, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons


How many hours did you work last week?  Was it more than 40?  Please don’t tell me it was more than 60!   The number of hours you work each week has big implications for your health, a new study shows, and this is particularly true for women.

This new research was published in the journal Social Science and Medicine, and concludes that the average person should work no more than 39 hours a week to prevent a substantial decline in mental health.  For women, the magic number is just 34 hours per week.  Once those limits have been passed, mental health starts to suffer and people are less able to eat well, and take proper care of themselves and those they love.

A 40 hour work-week causes more distress to women than men because they perform more unpaid childcare and household chore responsibilities than men, which adds to their daily schedule.  In addition, women tend to have lower paid jobs, with less autonomy over workplace decisions, which can also increase workplace stress.

The research was conducted in Australia, where data was collected from 8,000 adults between the ages of 24 to 64.  Generally, it was found that once people began to work more than 45 hours per week, the risk of cardiovascular disease, angina, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and heart attack increased.

While it is true that some work is good for our physical and mental health, there is definitely a threshold whereby people begin to suffer, and that seems to occur when people regularly work more than 12 hours per day or 60 hours per week.

This new information should serve as a warning for people in North America, whose amount of leisure time has decreased from the mid-twentieth century until now.   According to a 2014 Gallup poll, the average full-time worker in the US now puts in about 47 hours per week, and 40% of workers work at least 50 hours per week.

True health is more than the absence of illness.  It also means having the space and time to enjoy what we have, rather than constantly reaching for more.  For many, life is a daily struggle just to make ends meet.  Somehow, we have to find a way to re-structure society so that we can all live comfortably, without stretching ourselves past our natural limits.














Smart People Live Longer

Fischer.H, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Though it’s been many years since I’ve sat, frustrated and confused, in a math or science classroom, I must admit that I still feel a lingering resentment towards quick learners.  You know the kids I mean.  The ones who pick up new concepts quickly, and then apply them with ease.  The ones who barely look at their notes and still get an A+ on their test, while the rest of us work all night long and only achieve a B+, at best.

Sure, some of them suffer with social difficulties that can offset many of their mental gifts, but for the most part, they’ve got it made.  Their ease with scholastic material means they’re more likely to get more advanced degrees, with higher paychecks.   Their ability to dazzle and impress educators as well as their parents, means they get more positive attention as they grow.  And now, according to new research,  it appears that people with a high IQ also live longer.

The first evidence linking high IQ with a long lifespan came from a Scottish study that began in 1932.   That year, a cohort of 11 year old children were given an IQ test, and researchers then followed them up until the age of 76.  When the results were analyzed, children with a 15-point IQ advantage were found to have a 21% greater chance of being alive than those with a more average IQ score. You might assume this increase in longevity might be due to differences in lifestyle, or better access to health care, but the researchers controlled for those factors.  Statistically, lifestyle choices or  socioeconomic advantages explained only 30% of the link between intelligence and life span.  The rest was genetic.

Further studies were done by Rosalind Arden and her colleagues from the International Journal of Epidemiology.  They found several groups of identical and fraternal twins in which both IQ and mortality were recorded, and used those numbers to help clarify how much of the IQ-lifespan advantage is genetic, and how much is environmental.  When the analysis was finished, the more intelligent twin was found to have a longer lifespan, even if both twins shared other lifestyle factors.  Clearly, there’s something about having a high IQ that also increases longevity.

The answer may be resilience.  Gro Amdam of Arizona State University and the Norwegian University of Life Sciences has theorized that the reason people with a high IQ live longer, is because they are just engineered better.  In addition to a more impressive performance on mental tests, he believes they also have a greater ability to survive environmental onslaughts.

He tested his hypothesis by strapping honeybees to straws and then dripping a sugary solution on them.  Honeybees are often used in neurological experiments because they can be trained with positive or negative reinforcement, and in this case, Amdam wanted to isolate the smart honeybees by preceding the drip of sugar with a certain smell.  The smarter honeybees identified the link between the smell and the sugar solution faster, and learned to stick out their proboscis to receive it. The slower honeybees lost out.

The second part of this experiment involved exposing all the bees to a high oxygen environment, to see who could endure it the longest.  A high oxygen environment is a metabolic stress test that simulates aging.  It turned out that the quick-learning honeybees lived, on average, four hours longer than the slow-learning bees when exposed to unnaturally high levels of oxygen.  This show of greater resilience among the smarter bees suggests a possible survival advantage that may also be present in humans.

This evident resilience among smarter bees – and possibly humans – may occur because of a faster reaction time.  When researchers tested the reaction time of 898 fifty-six year olds, they found that those who reacted more quickly to a stimulus also lived longer.  Study participants were required to press one of four keys on a keyboard in response to seeing the identical digit on a computer screen.  There was no complicated thinking involved; you would think that anyone could do well.

Yet, when they followed up on the participants more than a decade later, those who had a faster reaction time on the test, also lived longer.   What’s more, once the reaction time was taken into account, the correlation between mortality and IQ disappeared, meaning that relationship between reaction time and longevity is stronger.  The reason that high IQ people tend to live longer, is because they react faster to external events.

It appears that the benefits of having a high IQ are more widespread than just being able to do well in school and on tests.  Nevertheless, those of us who have more average intelligence shouldn’t despair. “The intelligence-longevity link is a small one”, says Rosalynd Arden of the International Journal of Epidemiology ,  “Nothing we found counteracts the good old stuff your grandmother would have told you about how to live well”.  Eat well, exercise regularly, avoid smoking and excessive drinking, and we can all hope to live a long and healthy life.  Even those of us who suck at math.


A New Year’s Message For Those Who Are Struggling to Change

Christchurch Mansion Clock by Tim Marchant, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

“Don’t you just love New Year’s?  You can start all over!  Everybody gets a second chance”.

The above is a quote from the well-loved movie, Forrest Gump.  Believe it or not, there are some people who actually hate this film.  They find the plot completely implausible, and it’s sentiments too saccharine.  Those criticisms may well have some merit, but I’ve always liked the film anyway because of the realness of its secondary characters, Jenny and Lieutenant Dan. Of course the plot is unrealistic, but the emotional traumas that Jenny and Lieutenant Dan must overcome in order to finally find happiness are all too real.  I believe that this is where the heart of the film lies, not in the rather flat character of Forrest Gump himself, who never loses faith in life, in those he loves, or in himself, as the rest of us humans often do.

I particularly like the above quote because of the way it is delivered in the film, and also because of who delivers it.  Forrest Gump is at a bar in New York with his friend Lieutenant Dan, when two hookers show up.  They are acquaintances of Lieutenant Dan, if not actually his friends.  It is New Year’s Eve and the ball is about to drop in the middle of Times Square in New York, and that’s when one of the hookers says this line.  The remark only becomes unusual because of the way the expression on her face changes.  At first she is exultant, and then turns thoughtful, as if she is suddenly realizing something, and then her expression turns into something very like fear.

I imagine that this is how many of us approach the new year, especially those of us who have been around the block a few times, and who have tried, in various ways, for various amounts of time, to finally change ourselves for the better.  We are fearful because we have tried in times past, and we never seem to meet with success.  We are afraid that we will fail yet again.  Maybe it’s a long-standing goal to lose that extra weight we’ve been carrying around for the last few years.  Maybe we’re determined to finally get into an exercise routine that we can stick to.  Or maybe we’d like to finally stop smoking once and for all.

Perhaps the most common goal each new year:  we want to change our diet.  To stop eating all that sugar, to avoid that white flour, or to eat more fruits and vegetables.  Because our food is our body’s fuel, we know how important it is to eat right, and yet when deadlines approach and kids get sick, when our nerves become tense with stress, our diet is usually the first thing that falls apart.  Before too long, we’ve been eating fatty take-out meals for much of the week and are struggling to get back on track.

It’s at this time that the monsters in our minds will re-emerge, blaming ourselves for our failures.  We lose hope because of how often this cycle repeats itself.  We can get back on the wagon, but how soon will it be before we find ourselves working late yet again, and quickly filling our stomachs with a chocolate donut because our blood sugar levels have dropped?  Our lives have become so busy, and our commitments so many, that it’s become increasingly hard to take care of ourselves and our families in the most elemental way:  by ensuring that we all have healthy and nutritious food available for every meal of the day.

At Sensible Health, we have a list of foods that we recommend everyone avoid because they congest the liver, or weaken the spleen and kidneys.  The foods which congest the liver include; deep fried foods, spicy foods, high fat dairy products, nuts, chocolate, and caffeine.  Foods which weaken the spleen/pancreas and kidneys include; white flour, white sugar, citrus fruits, tomatoes, bananas, raw vegetables, and cold drinks.  So often, when people see this list of foods, they wonder what they can eat because it seems that we’ve taken all of their favourite foods away from them.  And indeed, it can initially be a bit of a challenge.

This is why I always recommend that you begin slowly, changing only one thing at a time if the entire list overwhelms you.  For the first week or two, perhaps you can stop eating citrus fruits.  While lemon juice is known to detoxify the liver, it is also quite cooling in nature and can create excess “dampness” in the body, which weakens the spleen/pancreas.  When the spleen/pancreas becomes weakened, we will no longer produce adequate enzymes for the proper digestion of our foods, and much of our diet will be unassimilated.  Naturally, this will weaken our entire bodies over time.

Citrus fruits are very helpful in the hot and humid environments in which they are grown.  Their naturally cooling nature helps to combat the heat, and their ability to lubricate keeps our body tissues from drying out.  However, because citrus fruits can now be shipped long distances and are available to us all year round, this often means that we continue to eat citrus fruits regularly even during the winter months, when warming and drying foods would be more appropriate.  It is not so much that citrus fruits are always bad, as that they should be eaten with their particular properties in mind so as to keep the body in a state of balance.

For the second few weeks of your new diet, perhaps you can try drinking only warm beverages rather than cold ones, if you don’t already do so.  Cold drinks will have the same cooling effect on our spleen/pancreas as cooling foods like citrus fruits, tomatoes and bananas. If you avoid cold drinks for a few weeks and then suddenly drink them again, you will notice right away how first your stomach, and then the organs to the sides of your stomach clench up and become tense.  Your digestive organs cannot function well when they have contracted like this, and more of the energy of your body will be spent trying to warm these organs back up again so they can function properly.  This is energy that would be better spent keeping your metabolism warm and firing, to prevent you from becoming fatigued or from gaining excess weight.

However great the changes you must make to your diet so that your goal of improved health is reached, go slowly and be immensely patient and kind to yourself as you make these changes.  Forgive yourself if you make a mistake, and instead of bashing yourself, try to use your energy more positively by making a plan so that the next time your life falls apart, your diet is less likely to fall apart also. I try to keep healthy frozen meals in the freezer that can be warmed up and eaten without thawing when times get rough.  I had a friend who would regularly spend a few hours on the weekend just making homemade pizzas with healthy toppings that she would then freeze for easy use on busy weekday nights.  A bit of planning can help to prevent unhealthy binges and an over-reliance on take-out menus. And even when your store of healthy meals is depleted and you end up at the pizza counter anyway, try to cut yourself a break.  Dietary changes can be hard, and punishing yourself every time you miss your goal will only make it that much harder to try again.

The beginning of a new year is a very hopeful time.  We should take advantage of that natural feeling of optimism and renewal without putting so much pressure on ourselves that it makes us fearful to try again.  Although we might naturally feel motivated to make healthy changes in January, we should also remember that January 1st is really just an arbitrary date on the calendar.  We can make a pledge to improve our health at any time of the year.  As Canadian author Lucy Maude Montgomery said, “Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it”.  We can make a pledge that for every tomorrow, we will put in our best effort.  That’s all we can really ask of ourselves.